Wednesday 27 March 2013

There's always the motivation of wanting to win......

Every human needs some motivation and the more heartfelt it is , the more strong is the essence of the fruit it bears and if that motivation moves with you in every journey then that journey becomes the path of your success .Specially if its your mother and Dmitri Mendeleev was fortunate to have one as motivation.
    Her mother helped him by using her short lasting resources and went with him wherever he go.Whatever the obstacle may be she, the ardent lady spent her last penny to educate her child for she felt that science is precondition for the eradication of superstition and myths.Mendeleev took pride in his mother and said that whatever he has gained is just because of mother . As we know that he was the first person to make the most appropriate Periodic Table and he got abundant popularity by that.I can bet that her mother was THE happiest of all. Her relentless encouragement was the strength for Mendeleev which led him to such a success.

   Mendeleev once said,"She instructed with example, corrected with love and travelled  with me to places spending her strength .She knew that with the aid of science without violence ,with love, firmness , all errors and untruth can be removed."

Resultant, in THE PERIODIC TABLE OF THE ELEMENTS, Mendeleev has his name in 101th element that is MENDELEVIUM .

Friday 4 January 2013

I bet that just after reading the title of this post you must have guessed the name -Newton.
That's right it is about Sir Issac Newton and before starting his story I would like to wish him a very very happy birthday .
  I am going to tell you about some interesting points of his life which you might not be knowing .
Newton was a boy who never experienced father's love because his father died before his birth.His mother also left him to his granny and went with his second husband .He never get that parental care and love which every child deserves. He hated his stepfather .From the starting itself, he was a boy who has keen interest in some particular things.His mother took care of him but never understand him.Maybe for this newton never married.
 Also Newton had Asperger Syndrome.

Although an orthodox christian, Newton was deeply religious and secretly rejected Trinitarianism  and refused holy orders.Some people wanted Newton to become an ordained priest but he tried to avoid it because he didn't like those orthodox rituals and all. Things got worse when he was elected for lucasian chair but he somehow managed to avoid it.In his old age ,he wrote many religious tracts mainly interpretations of Bible.
 That person actually was a gift to Science and will be respected for his work for years and years .
Happy Birthday Newton..

Tuesday 18 December 2012


Morris Ketchum Jessup(MK Jessup) , MSc. in Astronomy believed in UFO's more than anybody else.People believed that he wrote "The Case For The UFO's" in 1955 just as a fiction story but he actually wanted to study mystery of the UFO's. By his book, he wanted to promote the research on Anti gravity and Unified field Theory.
 On January 13,1955, Jessup received a letter from a man identifying himself as " Carlos Miguel Allende".After reading this letter, Jessup entered another phase of his life rather the last phase.In the letter ,the writer warned Jessup not to go deep in UFT(to stop his research for UFT).Allende informed Jessup all about the "PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT".He told him that he had personally experienced the experiment .The experiment which has rendered many blind and many got mentally unstable.
Philadelphia Experiment  in which U.S Navy warship named USS Elderidge disappear and reappear while serving abroad a merchant marine ship from Philadelphia port.The experiment took place in secrecy and because of it's fatal effects it became a secret forever.
After reading all this, Jessup went blank and then he started getting more letters from the former .
He was very confused and after so much oppression he was depressed.U.S Navy doubted Jessup and wanted to know if he knew anything about Allende .But Jessup didn't tell anything about Allende's letters to them. U.S Navy forced Jessup to get the news because if he knew anything about the experiment, the former was afraid that he would leak the secret .
To Jessup's astonishment, this experiment was based on "Unified Field Theory" by Einstein. Jessup got very depressed by the letters warning him and U.S Navy asking him about Allende.

 Jessup's wife left him and his friends thought that he was little unstable in his life.On returning to Florida, he met with a car accident and was trying to recover from it. On April 20, 1959, Jessup was found dead in a very mysterious way, with a hose between the exhaust pipe and the rear window of the vehicle,filling the car with toxic fumes. Every body thought that it was a suicide.

Nobody has ever got to know whether it was a murder or a suicide.To the world, Unified Field Theory was never completely worked out by Einstein.Then how on Earth this experiment took place and how only Allende was left as only witness of this fatal experiment .
This mystery continues forever....

Monday 8 October 2012

Neil Armstrong
A boy doing some work in a shop in evening with a queer smile on his face."I have done this work" says the boy ."Then arrange the cartons kept at the back"says the owner of the shop ."I did that before doing this work".The boy gently walks towards the shop owner-"Sir please give my money now"."So,are you going there today"says the shop owner.With a grin-"Yes sir ,today I am going to fly".Then the boy very enthusiastically runs out of the shop with money in his hand.He paid that money to let him fly aircraft for an hour.This born AVIATOR can only be NEIL ARMSTRONG.
 He was just of 14 years when he got the degree of aviation from a university .When he went to his mother to tell her that he has got an aviation degree she was so astonished that a jar (which was in her hands at the time) fell on her foot and so she broke her toe.
Though he get his degree when he was of 14 ,he never has the license for aviation since today.
Recently, he has left for heavenward. Pray the soul of such a great aficionado of aviation and the first man to step on moon, may rest in peace.

Friday 5 October 2012


A small boy of 9, one evening sat on his sofa and eagerly watched the object in his hands , try to understand that why is the object's needle always pointing towards NORTH.That boy didn't utter a word from his mouth even after 2 years.This was unusual and surprising for his parents.When he was 3 years old,his parents heard one complete sentence from his mouth for the first time .
   Sitting by the dining table for breakfast, he uttered his first complete sentence -"My soup is too hot".His mother and father stopped eating  and they were so astonished that they were not able to speak anything.
Then his father said,"Son,why were you quiet from last 3 years".He replied,"Everything has been fine".
  Name of this child was 'ALBERT EINSTEIN'.In his lifetime, he spoke very less but his imagination (which didn't have any barriers)was far from explanation.His teachers complaint of his dreamy appearance and not paying any attention in the class.He studied in a catholic school (being a Jew).His uncle who often came to his house,(friend of his father) identified and appreciated his talent in mathematics and physics.He (uncle Jakob) introduced Algebra to Einstein and provided him many books regarding the same.
In 1894, when Albert turned 15, his parents shifted to Milan, Italy but they wanted Albert to finish his schooling in Munich.Whereas , Albert wanted to join his parents in Milan.
 He got the certificate for Mathematics from his school so that he get admission in another school in Milan.
The school gave him the certificate not because he was good in maths but actually they wanted to get rid of him!

He gave such extraordinary and outstanding Theories which certainly has formed the BASE OF SCIENCE..

Thursday 4 October 2012


Today the first human made Earth Satellite SPUTNIK I was launched creating a history .4th October is the foundation for Space exploration.
             WORLD SPACE WEEK is celebrated from4 th-10th October with a great zeal.Pomp and splendors of  Indian people is worth saluting..people have registered their events and are performing it enthusiastically.
             I personally adore the event registered by 3 students of GTBIT ,their idea to celebrate this week is eloquent and the work done by SPACE is always the BEST.
             On this day, the whole universe celebrates and I am not the only to say that this is the only celebration in which all the GALAXIES PARTICIPATE.
          Being an aficionado of astronomy I can actually feel the way any other amateur astronomer(WHO LIKES ASTRONOMY) will feel .So filled with excitement, try to rock this week and please do see more about this week as every person in the world should know about this week.
         Please do register an event of your own  by going on to .
You just have to spend few minutes over it but it actually means a lot . Our country needs more events so please register now ,never mind whether it's a small contribution because my contribution is also very small(you can check it out at the same site) .

Sunday 18 March 2012


I get a very nice but a queer feeling when I read about various scientist's works.There I get to know about their unique, intellectual and interesting minds.
Intelligence cannot be measured ,it can only be experienced when you are among st some intellectual stuff.

The people who are truly dedicated to science are the benchmarks for the word 'SCIENCE'.We can put these people under the category of incorrigible people because there love and contribution towards Science will never change. 
Even in their harsh times they are with Science and always work for Science .
Sheldon lee cooper (in grey shirt)
These kinda people like intellectual company and get mix with them comparatively faster.They are more practical   in life and they also don't think about other things that do not matter them much(even cannot understand their own feelings if they have a friend, who is a girl ).
They question themselves that' if outside is so good ,why has mankind spent thousand of years trying to perfect inside?'


Dedicated to -
Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper
